Sunday, June 5, 2011

Transplanting Mania

Transplanting mania continues.  This morning I got the last little pine tree in.  I place it behind the hay shed.  I also reworked the drip around the sea berry.  Then I put in three of the five gallon sized honeysuckle shrubs around the back and sides of the shed.  I gave them plenty of room since they are going to be more like small trees.  Got the drip on those.

I got all 20 of the Silver Buffalo berries in they all went on the west side of the garden.  Hope that hedge grows fast.  Cannot wait to have wind protection for the garden.  I got the drip in on those as well. I am watering those for a couple of hours.

That leaves me the 10 Amur maples and 2 fern leaf yarrow and 2 honeysuckles to do later.  Wind willing:)

I got 5 tiny transplants from the neighbor of catmint.  Sure hope those live.  Back to work after my cup of coffee.

Alright, got some weeding done and fed the goats weeds only this evening.

Terry the neighbor gave me some watermelon for the goats.  They looked so cute and funny chewing on the watermelon, juice dribbling down their goat chins.  They really thought that was a treat.

Transplanted about 15 of the cosmos I grew this year.  Got the catmint in.  Running out of oomph and daylight.  Trying to water each zone with new guys for an hour and then, finally, time to get in the shoer, get the mud off and put my feet up.  Have to watch Sister Wives tonight.  I should write something about them.

Watering fruit tree zone overnight.

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