Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A Day of Rest

Today I have needed to rest up since I am cleaning three other people's houses for the next three days.

Yesterday I got caught up on my own house although I still need to sweep and mop the kitchen floor.

Although I  need time off from physical labor I did have to pick tomatoes, patty pans, crooknecks, zukes and 3 or four melons.  I made a fresh tomato, cuke, onion, basil and rosemary salad and it is basting in oil and vinegar.  One of my favorites.

Picked and packeaged purple penstemmon seeds, coral penstemmon seeds and Mitchelli cabbage seeds.

I got some cukes and carrots packaged for Hubby's lunch.

I fed the goats and the dogs.

Off to plant my cactus the neighbor lady gave me.

Okay, had the usual mid day break.  Got the truck loaded up for cleaning tomorrow.  Got some of the pink/stripey pinstemmon seeds., prairie cone flower seeds and some chocolate flower seeds.  Got the hummingbird feeders washed and packed in a nicely labeled box and put in the long shed.  See all that work on that darn shed has been worth it.

Picked up the onions I dug up earlier and put them on top of the hay in the shade cover to continue drying. Lots more to pull but at least it is a start.

Fed the goats a bunch of melon vines which I see they are turning their noses up at.  Gave them a little dried millet grass, a little grass hay and a number of over sized or misshaped zukes and patty pans.  Got the dogs fed.  got a load of dishes going and cleaned out the refrigerator. Got the cleaning rags/kitchen towels washed up and put away.  Doing a load of laundry.  Frankly, I am done.  I am taking a shower and sitting on the couch for the rest of the night!

Watering the NOrthside Windbreak overnight tonight.

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