Tuesday, July 26, 2011


9am and I have planted carrots, lettuce butter crunch and head lettuce], spinach, cauliflower, broccoli and rads.  Good job, Liz.

Picked, 4 zukes, 3 rads [yeah, pitiful], 1 patty pan [makes 3 so patty pans and zukes for lunch!].

Going out to pick strawberries. And lettuce.  Hopefully some carrots.  Checking on the beans.

Set up the electrical extension cord for working on the shade cover.  The fact is that starting the generator was hard to do and I got the cords to work so that is even better.

I got a nice amount of strawberries.  I got a handful of purple beans and a few filet beans.  Looks like patty pans and onions and green beans for lunch with our pork chops.

Did some home gown russets with olive oil S&P in foil on the grill.  Pork chop on the grill.  Patty pans, onoins, garlic, S&P in foil on the grill.  What a great dinner and I grew everything but the garlic myself.  Home grown strawberries for dessert.  You can't buy strawberries like the juicy, soft ones that I grow myself.

Hubby got the cross pieces up for me.  Now I have to cut the rafters at an angle and get them secured.  Maybe this evening.

Okay, I got the rafters cut for the back half of the roof and sort of secured.  I am running low on metal hangers for the rafters so I will have to get some when I go shopping.  Used nine 2x4's and will have to use another when I figure out how to join the two roofs [the long shed is already done so I have to figure out how to make the roof from the shade cover meld to the roof for the shed.  Maybe Hubby and I can get the next two cross pieces up tomorrow morning.  I need to take a break tomorrow since I clean a big house on Thursday and another house on Friday and I can't be to worn out to do a good job.

Watering the East side windbreak over night.

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