Saturday, August 26, 2017

Pony Baloney got a bath

Team Tucker and friends.
I haven't talked much about Pony Baloney lately. Pony is actually doing better. I really do think it is the magnesium that is helping. Pony doesn't act like his skin hurts to be touched. He is livelier and calmer. My friend thinks it is that I have another horse and now Pony is jealous 
Anyway you slice it, Pony has come up to me to be petted several times now.
While I may disagree with my friend on that, I will say the woman is amazing with the Pony.
The day before yesterday, I went out and worked with Pony on allowing me to use a hose to get him wet. We did okay but the Pony was running around me and it was difficult. Once we reached an acceptable level of calm and he allowed me to get him wet all the way up to his top line, I called it quits.
The next day, my friend came over and she set up the Pony so he could move but he couldn't go around in circles by tying him into a corner of the fence. of course, it was an easy to release tie method. It felt much safer. She then got him to accept the hose a little at a time. I got shampoo into his mane and tail, she rinsed and then he got conditioner. Pony looks so much better!
Wiseguy needs to be next but he will be a good boy since he is sweet unlike the Pony.
Tucker seems happy with his new shoes. I took him out Thursday evening after several days of smoke and lightening kept us in for the evening. He did good for me but objected to leaving his home area. He did agree to cooperate. We did a few obstacles and then went out front in the circular driveway to practice jogging. Once we got into the home pen, I had him jog in both directions until he did well both ways and then we quit! Being home shouldn't be all fun.
I am going out riding tonight. Wish me luck.
PS - My keyboard died but today I got a new one. Can't live without a computer 

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