Thursday, August 2, 2012

Horse and I are working it!

My miniature horse and i have been really getting out and about lately.

MIL and FIL came over.  FIL and MIL both arrived way late.  It was really hot out by then.  The horse and I had been ready for quite some time so I took the little guy out for a short spin and they were already arrive by the time I got back.  MIL said sure take her for a really short ride.  Didn't sound enthused at all.

Got back and Hubby had already shoved the food onto the table and rushed us to eat.  The ribs could have cooked another hour so they were good but not great!!

FIL barely glanced at my little horse.

What a disastrous day with the in laws.

Oh well.  They are so dreary anyway with all their talk of liberal commie    fascists taking over America.  I'm not actually sorry they left early.

Still don't know what their problem was.

This week I got the horse out for a four mile drive.  We had a few issues turning but we did great.  Wiseguy saw a billy goat on a rope and was pretty intense.  I said whoa and then he started dancing.  I told him "no you don't" and then "whoa" and then "stand".  He did really good!  How exciting to be pulling it together with my little guy.

The next day Wiseguy hauled me and Hubby around the neighborhood.

Then on Wednesday we trailered to Stagecoach and drove with a nice older lady.  She has a horse that is taller than mine so Wiseguy had to do a fair amount of trotting to keep up. We did several miles and the horse pulled me and Hubby for the distance.  The road was pretty rough but our little horse did great.

Today I got the little guy out on my own today and we worked on turns.  Fantastic morning.  He and I had very few problems and we weaved through the tires, we backed.  We did a few pivot turns in the cart.  We can't quite do a real pivot but we are getting close.

I have to take the next three days off form driving but I am thrilled with our progress.

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