Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Kindness, Caring and Atheism

Hi Dan - I was thinking about this post [on Debunking Christianity Blog] and, although I have no idea if Richard will remain a Christian and so only time will tell if god did convince him to believe, I think you have stated what I was leaning towards: "There is a direct connection between belief and action, and this should serve as a strong reminder that our actions are what really define who we are."

So, if we say that atheists are every bit as loving and kind as theists then our actions had best show it. I truly believe there is a time and a place for a bit of vitriol against the Christian viewpoint and some of the deluded users of human kind that push their horrifyingly bad for the psyche Christian crapola. The people who believe they are apologists and preachers and are working hard to intellectually prove there is a god are a very deluded lot. They have read the info available and still lie to themselves and, importantly, innocent victims to prove their points.

Having said that, many people are raised to believe in Biblegod and god in general. What are they to do? They aren't always the brightest bulbs in the box or emotionally mature. They do know they want to feel accepted and loved. Who wouldn't? Do we throw punches or do we try to dialog with them or simply choose to ignore them at times?

To disagree with kindness and decency would indeed show where our hearts are. Now, I do not tell anyone here what to do. I am frustrated with all the Christian crapola myself and find the message that we were all born as sinners to be very damaging. We know there is a bait and switch going on when people enter the church and everyone loves them and then they get kicked to the curb later on and told they are sinners and the world is filled with bad things and only their version of Jesus can save them from the horrors they deserve. A sad and negative way to look at things and a waste of the one live we have, IMHO.

I cannot for the life of me fathom why people would think reason and reason alone is all the evidence one needs for every interaction. I want to feel. I need to feel. I am a human being, not a robot. Rationality is important as a reality check but then so are emotions. If a "scientist" thinks that he is harming people and he "feels" that is wrong, that may be a good thing.

We need both feelings and rational thinking to be fully human. Let's just consider that when we get the "big guns" out for a puny little threat like an ordinary human being that believes in Biblegod or god. Maybe remember to speak with the kindness and love that we so imagine a world without religion would have. Maybe it won't. That choice is up to us. Atheists have no corner on the market of kindness and need to cultivate that trait within themselves and the wider culture they live in.

Sometimes you can be right and still be wrong for saying something hurtful without considering people's feelings. One can choose ones words carefully when you think someone is delicate and save the big guns for those preachers and apologists that truly do deserve what they get. Religion will die a writhing, gasping death as there is no basis for it. In the meantime, what kind of a society are we helping to grow? A nurturing one or an "I'm right, you are an ass" type of society? A society of caring or one that wins at all costs? I truly believe we are at the crossroads and that we do not need a god to show we are kind and caring human beings. But, on the whole, atheists are going to have show, with their actions, that is true. Sometimes a gentle approach is best.


  1. Dear Renoliz. Having read your blog, there are many things that we can see eye to eye on.

    Christians of course certainly don't have the monopoly on admirable traits, and far be it from me to suggest that they do. Indeed I've heard it said that the very worst thing about Christianity is, in fact, Christians themselves. They seldom live up to their professed ideologies and at worst come across as hypocritical bigots.

    How do you know, or what makes you decide when to 'get the big guns out'? As you've only just posted this blog this morning, I guess you've time yet to put your own words into practice. I only say that because just about a month ago I stumbled across your site ( after following a link and found myself subjected to the very behaviour that you have described above.

    Everything started nice enough, but within twenty four hours I'd (somehow) turned from a welcome guest to a pariah. The swiftness of it is what surprised me the most.

    You yourself were not too bad with what you said, but I did get the feeling that perhaps you were following after the 'XPDan's of the page, and metaphorically 'sticking the boot in'. The thing is, I DIDN'T '...slunk off with his tail between his legs because he has no answer other than the oft parroted' but rather found myself blocked by the moderator and unable to answer any accusations.

    Incidentally, if I DID come across as patronising, I can only apologise. Anyway, it IS a good article, so I applaud you for that. Be happy, and enjoy your garden. K

  2. Bill Maher said something that struck me as profound. He said that being able to doubt is a luxury. There are some people, he said, who cling to religion because that is all that they have.

    Online, we never know if the person we are talking to is vulnerable. I try to be polite and remember that I am talking to a real person with their own problems and weaknesses.

    At the same time, I abhor the invisible wall that some religious people want erected around their faith. Their are religious people who want the freedom to criticize others without being criticized for their beliefs.

    Most of Christianity is an evangelical religion. I have always thought that if a Christian wants the right to win others over to Christ, than they should accept others using the same tactics against them.

  3. Whoops, I meant to write, there are not their are. Really, I do know the difference. I made the mistake more than once in my comment LOL
