Thursday, December 7, 2017

arthritis? and Tucker

Team Tucker talked to the farrier today.
He said he wouldn't lope on Tucker either. Don't get hurt.
He said Tucker definitely has arthritis in his knees. He said you can spend hundreds of dollars at the vet and they can do lots of tests and they will still say he has arthritis in his knees which might be causing him to trip.
It is the arthritis that is causing him to trip.
The saddle may have caused some problems but it has nothing to do with Tucker tripping so often and so badly. Definitely worth changing saddles since he has seen saddles cause problems with the withers and bucking but realize that Tucker will still trip a lot.
Ride Tucker at a walk and trail ride him and consider that Tucker may need an early retirement. And don't get hurt.
He's going to call me if he comes across a nice trail riding horse for a decent price.
And don't get hurt. It's not worth getting hurt because of the horse.
He also said that a lot of people blame themselves for the way the horse is but Tucker really does have arthritis and you didn't make the horse what he is today.
We shall see where we go next. I'm not ruling out seeing a vet. I do think I will get the new saddle on Tucker again tomorrow. We will see if we can do okay with that but I will need to work him at a lope without me on him to see if he will be calmer and willing to just go at a walk. But trotting and loping on this horse is not recommended. Which is what I have been thinking myself.
This is just this guy's opinion but I think he is right.
And that really limits me to a great degree.
I think lessons on another horse is my best option to improve my horsemanship skills and to learn to post and lope at least for the time being

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