Sunday, March 3, 2013

Greenhouse Refreshed

This is what happened over the winter.  The plastic has been up for  three years?  Maybe four.  The sunlight has rotted the plastic.  This is the east side of the greenhouse.

This is the west side of the greenhouse.  You can see that the plastic has rotted where the sunlight shines directly on the plastic.

You can see my flimsy support piece in the middle of the wall.

These two photos show you how we insulated the walls.  It's been working great.

We used a roll of insulation on the ceiling since we could staple it up.  I found the insulation in front of the home improvement store on super mark down since it was out of its wrapper.  Still, insulation was pretty expensive and straw was $8 a bale and I probably used 2 bales.

Here is a photo of the west side with the shade cloth going up.  The shade cloth has been repurposed several times.  First it covered a friends horse pen.  Then it did several miscellaneous jobs around here for a few years.  It is getting to be in sad shape but I decided it could be used in the greenhouse for its final incarnation.

Here is another item being repurposed.  It was the legs on a cheesy table I made for the back patio.  That table was in use for about 7 years but I finally decided it was too rickety to put potted plants on so I busted the table apart.  Anything too small is being burned in the wood stove but the bigger pieces are being reused..

There is our table leg as a sturdier support for the shelving in the green house.

Here is the east wall with the repurposed shade cloth almost covering the entire wall.  A few more staples and it will be done:)

This is a to be continued spring saga.

A quick note on the weather.  The overnight low was mid-forties.  It is cloudy and raining!!!!!  When you live in the desert rain is a very good thing.  The rice grasses would so appreciate getting some real moisture.  I hope it just keeps raining.  This is not a hard rain but a gentle warm rain.  

I'm baking banana bread.  I had to cheat and put a little melon from the freezer in it since I was a bit short on bananas.  I like to take the over ripe bananas and throw them in the freezer.  When I have a bunch of them, i thaw them out and make banana bread.

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