Monday, July 25, 2011


So far this morning I have picked enough yellow crooknecks for lunch.  A few zukes and about two patty pans.  Did some weeding.  Next, I have two more posts to get in for the shade cover.So, what was for dinner at noon?  Wonderful  small yellow crookneck squash with fresh onions, sweet peppers, salt and pepper and some garlic from thejar in the fridge with a swiss chard from the garden bonus.  Fried in olive oil, then  placed in a baking pan, some parmesan cheese sprinkled over the top and placed in the oven.  Turn on the oven to 350 then turn off the oven after 15 minutes.  Leave in to stay warm.

Next, shell noodles into boiling water while the shrimp and fresh garlic get sauteed in lots of olive oil.  Add lots of oregano and some salt towards the end.  Drain the noodles and place in the big red bowl.  Add the shrimp.  Toss with feta cheese and yummy!!!  I don't really like feta cheese but it is delicious in this dish.  Plate with the squash on one side and a couple of big spoonfuls of Greek shrimp and noodles  on the other.  A small green salad fresh picked this morning and that is some eating!!!!

I got the garden prepped for the cauliflower and broccoli.  Turns out I had to weed and straighten out the irrigation so will have to plant tomorrow.  30 MPH winds expected this evening.

I got the 2 posts cemented in for a total of three posts.  Desperately hoping Hubby will feel like helping me with the cross pieces tomorrow.  If I can get the roof on in early August, I can fill in the seams with foam, then tar and hopefully be well on my way to painting the shed by mid-August.  We'll see.  Everything takes me longer than I wan t it to and I am going for spring cleaning next week.

Nest week Hubby works days so I am going to try to get my spring cleaning done with the help of a neighbor girl that week.  I would like the house to be totally clean.  All the rooms at once.  Like when I clean for other people!  Then I can keep up for another year or so.

Looks like the neighbor girl is going to want to make a couple of extra bucks helping out next week.  I may have to call her to get her moving as it looks like she has been getting up late.  I said how about 9am and she thought that was early but she could get up that early if she had to:)

Got some fresh eggs form the neighbor and gave them some zukes.  Looks like we can trade for veggies next time.  I put the $2 in the bag already so I told her next time a trade would be great!!!!  I have green beans coming on and that should get me some eggs for quite a few weeks.

Corn is starting to get there.  The first planting anyway.

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