Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Horse Paddock and Shelter Underway

First we adjusted the string lines using a tape measure.  Yesterday we just paced it out.

The final dimension heading north/south is 30 feet.

The final dimension heading east/west is 31 feet,

We gathered the tools and supplies.  Set up a hose for water.  Hubby dug the first post hole.  Really dry this year with no moisture after about a foot so we had to add water to the hole to moisten it up for digging.  Otherwise the sand runs out the bottom on each shovel full.

We got the corner post in place and then went off to  make sure we were getting the watering and other chores done.

We got two more posts in, went in for lunch and a nap and got back to work.  Finally, all four posts were in the ground snuggled by cement.  Final size of the horse shed?  7 feet by 7 feet - 6 feet tall in the back - 8 feet tall in the front.  Yeah seems kind of small but remember, it is a miniature horse and should be adequate. We picked up our tools, completed the afternoon chores.

Hubby took a few minutes to file the wire around the hand hole in the fencing.  His new chain set up is clearly visible.   We now have one handed gate opening and closing where we used to have to use two hands to wrap the chain all the way around the post and back into a slot on the gate.  Nice!!!

I'm dog tired and can't wait to cook dinner, finish the last load of laundry and sit on the couch to watch American Idol.  Oh yeah, they definitely sent the right girl home last week.  I thought she would keep doing those Disney-rama type songs and that would get really old fast.  She seemed like a nice person, though.  Could you believe that Germaine had warrants outstanding and had to get kicked off the show?  Geez!

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